{fixed top-posting}

george williams wrote:

 > > This is to announce the first official release of pyFltk-1.1,
 > > the Python bindings for the cross platform GUI toolkit fltk-1.1
> By god this sounds interesting I wish I 
> knew what you are talking about

fltk (pronounced "full-tick" as in "Cap'n, we're doing warp 9
and the engines are going full tick!" but not as in, "boy,
I just checked the dog found one very full tick") is a C++
GUI toolkit. You would use fltk for writing a GUI desktop
application. It's like GTK+ or Qt, but much smaller and lighter.

pyFltk is a Python binding to fltk. That is, so you can use
fltk from Python instead of from C++.


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

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