Glurt Wuntal wrote:
> I am a newbie with Python. It's a great language, but I would like to be
> able to present a simple gui menu for some of my scripts; something better
> than using 'raw_input' prompts.
> Any recommendations for a program that will allow me to create the gui
> screens? Something useable in Linux.
> thanks.

There are Python bindings to most GUI toolkits (GTK+, Qt, fltk, wxWindows,
and Tk come to mind). You could use any of them. They're all usable in

-- Tk is a mature, small, and simple toolkit. The Python binding
    to Tk is called Tkinter.

-- GTK+ is what most Gnome apps use. The Python binding is PyGTK.

-- Qt is what most KDE apps use. The Python binding is called PyQt.

-- wxWindows is a lot like MS Windows MFC if I recall correctly.
    The Python binding to wxWindows is called wxPython.

-- For a terminal-based text-mode character-cell display program, you
    could use ncurses.

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