Russ wrote:
> "When you are the one seeking help, you may find it helpful to be
> polite....  I have found that comp.lang.python has some of the most
> friendly and helpful people around.  They will undoubtably help you (as
> they helped me many times), if you provide answers to the questions
> they ask in trying to help you... "
> Asking sarcastically why I am "reinventing the wheel" is a funny way of
> being friendly. I said absolutely nothing to indicate that I had
> re-implemented my own version of complex. And, by the way, even if I
> had, so what? Why is it even worth commenting on?
You wrote, in message 

> But when I tried the same thing with my own class in place of
> "complex" above, I found that both x and y were doubled.

So while you may not have implemented your own version of complex you 
clearly implemented something you wanted to behave in the same way - and 
that didn't.

Don't worry, let's not bother about your real problem, let's just go on 
arguing about what you said or didn't say.

Better still, let's not bother ... I'm sorry you don't like the support 
around here, I guess you get what you ask for.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd       
Love me, love my blog


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