On 3/12/06, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter Decker wrote:
> > Can't say I've ever run into anything that hadn't already been
> > reported.
> how did you check if it was already reported ?

I asked about it on this list, or on the wxPython list, or whatever
was the appropriate list. That's my first response; if people on the
list had confirmed it as a bug, I would have then asked where to
report it.

Of course, you're straying so far from the original thought behind
this thread, and that is that the Python website is using some terms
differently than the majority of people who will eventually use the
site would understand them. The number of people who are brilliant
enough to actually contribute to the development of the Python
language is miniscule compared to the potential number of programmers
out there who could adopt Python as their language of choice, and thus
consider themselves 'Python developers'.


# p.d.

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