Hi all,
I am getting an error message when trying to use the P4 print command
via the python api for perforce.

Anytime that I run p4c.run("print","-q", eachFile), I keep getting an
error message: "AttributeError:  OutputBinary."

Here is my code below:  Please Help.

import p4
#import perforce module
#For complete API see
p4c = p4.P4()
p4c.port = "perforce.ic.ncs.com:1424"
p4c.user = "perrk9"
path = "//practice/perrk9/..."
localTemp = "c:\perforce_temp_dir\\"

first = p4c.run( "counter", "galloway_deploy" )[0]
# here 'last_change_record' is a dictionary
last_change_record  = p4c.run( "changes", "-m", "1", path )[0]
print "last change record"
print last_change_record
last = last_change_record['change']
print "last \n"
print last

status_dict = { "right only" :"add", "left only" :"delete", "content"
:"edit",  "identical" :"no change"  }

result = p4c.run( "diff2", "-q", path + "@" + first , path + "@" + last
# result is an Array, each element is a Dictionary

#Find out which files were add/edited/deleted and throw them into lists
deploy   = []  # add/edit list
undeploy = []  # delete list
for changed_file in result:
 action = status_dict[ changed_file['status'] ]
 print action
 if ((action =='add') or (action == 'edit')):
  print "Changed file = "
  print changed_file['depotFile']
  deploy.append(changed_file['depotFile'])  #appending each file to our
'deploy' list
 elif action == delete:
  undeploy.append(changed_file['depotFile'])  #appending each file to
our 'undeploy' list

#print the deploy list
print "deploy list"
print deploy
for eachFile in deploy :
 print eachFile
 file = p4c.run("print","-q", eachFile)


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