In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As the only director of the Python Software Foundation to vote against a 
> recent Board motion to implement the change in licensing terms described in
> I would like to place on record my protest against this change. I think 
> it will harm the Python language and ultimately be counter-productive, 
> reducing the user base and discouraging open source programmers from 
> contributing to the code base.
> If you disagree with this proposed change it's not too late to do 
> something about it. If this change goes ahead it will be the end of 
> Python as we know it.
> regards
>   Steve

Absolutely agree.  This is a disaster.  Specifying the use of $US will shut 
out our friends who use quatloos or gold pressed latinum for currency.  Bad 

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