Frank Millman wrote:
> Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> >
> > no, it's not a bug in the pyexpat module -- the problem is that
> > wxPython uses it's own incompatible version of the expat library,
> > and loads it in a way that causes problems for any library that's
> > tries to use its own statically linked version.


> Firstly, it seems from various posts to the tracker item that the same
> problem has been reported with pygtk, Qt, and VTK.

There used to be issues with Expat, PyXML and mod_python which may be
vaguely related to this, mostly because there was some usage of Expat
within some Apache component which conflicted with PyXML's Expat
configuration. In the end, I just dropped PyXML and started using other
libraries not affected by such issues, and I'm not totally sure that
anyone really resolved the problem definitively (although this was
possibly four or five years ago, so a lot can have happened since).



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