
| I had not seen the thread you linked to. I learned something, but it
| still doesn't explain whatever is happening on my machine. When I run
| assoc and ftype I get exactly the results you say I need to run the
| scripts properly. However, this simple script (printargs.py) seems to
| work whether I type the .py extention or not.

| Whereas this more complex script (cbfindfiles.py) will NOT work unless
| I type the .py extension. Otherwise the arguments don't seem to pass.

Well, just to confirm, it works fine for me with:

python.file="C:\Python24\python.exe" "%1" %*

but if it always succeeds with the .py extension, it's not the file
association which is getting in the way. I think someone else has
suggested checking for non-python files of the same name. (Did you
have a batch file which wrapped the python script? Some people do
that to get more control over parameters).

I've just checked the thread, and you don't seem to say what
*does* happen when you run the script, so I'm not sure how
certain you are that the params *aren't* getting through.
Have you stuck a "print sys.argv" at the top of the 
"if __name__ == '__main__'" section? etc. etc. 


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