You said:
> Sorry to post here about this again, but the hint forums are dead, and
> the hints that are already there are absolutely no help (mostly it's
> just people saying they are stuck, then responding to themselves saying
> the figured it out! not to mention that most of the hints require
> getting past a certain point in the puzzle before they make sense, and
> i'm just clueless).

I just went to the hint forums:

There are SEVEN pages of clues for level 12.  The most recent post (to
challenge 1) was on April 11, so the forums are most certainly not
dead.  Yes, the hints don't spell out what step they are refering to,
and a certain level of obfuscation is required to avoid giving away

Many can not be solved in a day - they require reading hints, thinking
hard, then doing something else (reading, working, sleeping) to let the
subconscious chew over the clues.  This is the fun of the challenge -
there is no secret knowledge gained, other than a list of URLs and
passwords.  If this isn't your definition of fun, then you can go on to
other things with a clear conscious.


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