On Wed, 10 May 2006 13:56:52 GMT in comp.lang.python, John Salerno

>bruno at modulix wrote:
>> Why not trying by yourself ?-)
>Doh! I always forget I can do this! :)
>> Mmm. Not good. Let's try again:
>>>>> print textwrap.dedent(s).strip()
>> this is a multiline
>> triple-quted string with
>> indentation for nicer code formatting
>> Well, seems like we're done. About 2'30'' to solve the problem.
>Actually, I'm still wondering if it's possible to remove the newlines at 
>the end of the first and second lines (after 'multiline' and 'with'), so 

Well, it's too long for my news reader to display the result on a
single line, but:

>>> print textwrap.dedent(s).strip().replace('\n',' ')
this is a multiline triple-quted string with indentation for nicer
code formatting

>that the string is one line. But it's already been shown that textwrap 
>alone doesn't do this, so I'd rather not mess with all the extra stuff 
>to do it, when I can just put the string in parentheses.

If that's the way you want the sting in the first place, that'd be my
recommendation.  Regards,

Change is inevitable, progress is not.

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