Duncan Booth enlightened us with:
> That is true so far as it goes, but equally if your editor inserts a
> tab character when you press the tab key it is as broken as though
> it inserted a backspace character when you press the backspace key.
> In both of these cases you have an operation (move to next tabstop,
> move back one space) and an ascii control character which is
> intended to reflect that operation when rendering the file to an
> output device.

That all depends on the setting of your editor. After all, a TAB
character could be the proper control character for the operation
'move to the next tabstop'.

> An editor should be capable of letting you create or modify files
> containing control characters without gratuitously corrupting them,
> but the keys should perform the expected operations

I agree with that.

> not insert the characters.

But not with that, since it is contradicting. "Inserting the
characters" could very well be the same as "performing the expected

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
                                             Frank Zappa

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