Peter Otten wrote:
> Andrew Robert wrote:
>> format='4s 4s 48s 48s 64s 4s 256s 128s 128s 48s'
> You are trying to squeeze 10 items into just
>> d1,d2=struct.unpack(format,data)
> two variables (d1 and d2)
>> ValueError: too many values to unpack
> and Python is quite explicit that it doesn't like that once you realize that
> 'unpack' doesn't refer to struct.unpack() but to tuple unpacking like
>>>> a, b = "ab"
>>>> a, b = "abc"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> ValueError: too many values to unpack
> Peter 
Now I feel like a first class idiot.

Thanks for the help.

Added the extra eight variables and things worked perfectly.

Going to go stand in the corner for an hour now :)


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