bruno at modulix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> SamFeltus wrote:
>> I am trying to figure out why so little web development in Python uses
>> Flash as a display technology.  It seems most Python applications
>> choose HTML/CSS/JS as the display technology, yet Flash is a far more
>> powerful and elegant display technology.  On the other hand, HTML/JS
>> seems clunky and antiquated.  I am a gardener, and not a coder by
>> trade, but Flash seems to integrate just fine with Python.  Anyways,
>> what are the technical reasons for this?
> - Flash is a proprietary technology requiring a proprietary plugin.

There seem to be at least two free implementations:

Package: libswfdec0.3
Description: SWF (Macromedia Flash) decoder library
 A decoder library for Macromedia Flash animations, which are often
 found on web sites.  This is the run-time portion of the library.

Package: libflash0c2
Description: GPL Flash (SWF) Library - shared library
 The GPL Flash library is a set of functions that can be used by
 applications to play Flash movies. The core of the library is a
 portable graphic renderer that can be used to add SWF support to an
 This package contains shared libraries needed to run programs
 that have been build against the library.

> - There aint actually no working Flash plugin for Mozilla on a 64bit
> processor - I just *can't* read Flash anims on my computer

There are plugins based on the above libs. Maybe they work on 64 bit

> - Flash is meant to display animations, not web content
> - Flash content is not indexed by search engines
> - Flash content cannot be manipulated by normal text/HTML/XML tools

- In Flash you can't set bookmarks
- In Flash you can't use your browser's navigation functions
- You can't print animations

> (x)html/css/js is neither 'clunky' nor 'antiquated' 

<> is a nice example what you can do with
pure HTML and CSS


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