John Bokma wrote:

> Edward Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> like "from X import *" which are generally frowned on in python while
>>>> 'use MOD qw(id)' is encouraged in perl.
>>> Not by me, and I doubt it is in general.
>> Well it's all over the Perl Cookbook.
> Yeah, sure, all over. 

125 occurences in 78 recipes.  Sure looks like all over to me.

> Maybe check the book again. It is used in some 
> examples, sure. And it even explains how it works. 

Yep, 125 times.  In 78 recipes.  Out of 105 total recipes with 'use'.  I'd
say a 3:1 ratio is pretty strong encouragement.

> Don't forget that most 
> of the book was written around 1998. Yes, 8 years ago.

Doesn't matter.  It's still the standard example reference.  People use it
heavily.  They don't magically know what parts are now deprecated.
> You can even find examples on my site that use imported functions (which I
> will fix, because I frown upon it :-) ). But I doubt you can find a
> majority in the perl community that *encourages* the use of imported
> functionality.

I can readily believe that the "community" frequenting the newsgroups,
mailing lists, and blogs don't encourage it anymore.  But that's a tiny
fraction of all perl programmers, and most of them have no exposure to this
little clique.  For many people, whatever the cookbook says goes.  If it's
wrong, update it.

Edward Elliott
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
complangpython at eddeye dot net

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