> Flash also behaves consistently cross-browser, cross/platform -- and 
> features cannot be disabled by the user.
And that's a good thing?  Maybe for Macromedia, not for us.  This smells
like astroturf.

> Flash can load and play external MP3 audio.
> Flash can render text...
> Flash can load/parse/serialize/send XML.
> Flash can access you webcam, allowing you to create your own video
> chat/IM app.
> Flash can programatically-build vector shapes, gradients, and fills.

It dices!  It splices!  Flash can heat your coffee, walk your dog, and
change your baby!  It's the stupendous, miraculous, fantabulous app you
can't live without!

> Flash can #animate# stuff!!!
> Flash is like a 2 MB download that works in almost *every* browser out
> there.  ...it's pretty phenomenal that all those features could have
> been crammed into it.    (like: a built-in interpreter for a
> late-version-EcmaScript-compliant scripting language -- that, in many
> ways, is far more capable than what is available w/ JavaScript in most
> browsers!)
> *** This feature can be used for a web-based CMS!  It would blow-away
> anything (non-Java) now available for managing and uploading assets.
> - Show quoted text -

Ugh, definitely astroturf.

Edward Elliott
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
complangpython at eddeye dot net

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