Well the work is done now. I arrived home at 10:30 PM.

The application takes data from Oracle 10g stored procedures and renders 
data to both HTML and CSV formats. The HTML reports have summary and 
grouping sections and the HTML files are Excel friendly. The application is 
modular and consists of reusable modules. The application is called every 
night by scheduled task. The CSV and HTML files are being deployed to Apache 
for internal employee access.

This isn't a complex and big system. Tomorrow, I'll add the email 
functionality to the application and re-use it's components for more 

Now that I finished the 1st part of the application, I have to admit that 
choosing Python was an excellent decision. Python is an awesome programming 
language with comprehensive library and great community support.

I am not that new to Python anymore.. I had a productive day. Thanks 
everybody for help.

"gregarican" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Dear A.M.,
> The day is complete. My TPS reports still aren't on my desk. Either
> with or without cover sheets. Not a good time to try to teach yourself
> a new language. Please gather your belongings and move down to basement
> storage C.
> That'd be great,
> Bill Lumberg
> John Machin wrote:
>> A.M wrote:
>> > The application is not mission critical system. It is just a simple
>> > reporting tool.
>> Famous last words.


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