Brian wrote:
> I just have a basic style question here.  Suppose you have the program:
> def foo1():
>     do something
> def foo2()
>     do something else
> Assume that you want to call these functions at execution.  Is it more
> proper to call them directly like:
> foo1()
> foo2()
> or in an if __name__ == "__main__": ?
> Both will execute when the script is called directly, I was just
> wondering if there is a preference, and what the pros and cons to each
> method were.
> Thanks,
> Brian

If you want those functions to be called each time your module gets
imported you have to apply calls out of the "if __name__ ..."
statement. If your module is, for certain reasons, always the __main__
module and never gets imported there is no obvious preference because
behaviour will be the same.


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