gen_tricomi wrote:

> Currently application programmers using the Google web search API are
> limited to 1000 queries a day. This on the one hand is a reasonable
> decision by Google because; limiting the queries will prevent harm on
> the Google system by unnecessary automated queries; but it is also
> limiting us programmers severely. The query limit limits the usefulness
> of whatever applications we decide to craft out and even limits our
> imagination on what is possible with a handful of indexes.
If you know which sites you are interested in searching then you can 
already license hardware from Google which will let you index up to 15 
million documents and an api to search the indexed content without 

If you simply want to compete with Google on searching the entire internet 
then they are unlikely to want to help you.

If you fall somewhere in between what can be done with a Google Search 
Appliance and competing with Google then you are talking about paying 
Google sufficient money that they ought to be interested in sitting round a 
table with you. As it says on their website: "For larger deployments, 
contact us and we’ll be happy to talk to you about building a custom search 
solution for your environment."

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