I believe what you are trying to do is something like the following.

def isIntLike(x):
        try:    int(x)
        except: return False
        else:   return True

something = raw_input("Enter something and I will tell you the type: ")

if isIntLike(something):        print "I am an int"
elif isinstance(something, type('')):   print "I am a string"
else:   print "I am an impostor!"

Note that you should be using raw_input() rather than input().  The
former always returns a string.  The latter tries to execute the input,
hence your error message.

Also note that everything input on the command line is a string,
regardless of what you type.  If you want type checking, use C++ or
java.  If you want to check for anything more than IntLike strings, you
should consider using regular expressions through the 're' package.
For user-defined types, use 'isinstance(something, class object)' to
check for a type.

Lastly, you may be interested in the 'getopt' module, which handles
command line arguments (as opposed to prompting user for input)
automatically.   See here:

Check out the Python Cookbook for lots of good examples:



Alex Pavluck wrote:
> Hello. I get the following error with the following code.  Is there
> something wrong with my Python installation?
> code:
> import types
> something = input("Enter something and I will tell you the type: ")
> if type(something) is types.IntType:
>     print "you entered an integer"
> elif type(something) is types.StringType:
>     print "you entered a string"
> error:
> String: Source for exec/eval is unavailable


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