How can an object replace itself using its own method? See the
following code:

class Mixin:
    def mixin(object, *classes):
        NewClass = type('Mixin', (object.__class__,) + classes, {})
        newobj = NewClass()
        return newobj

def isClass(object):
    if 'classobj' in str(type(object)):
        return 1
    elif "'type'" in str(type(object)):
        return 1
        return 0
def listClasses():
    classes = []
    for eachobj in globals().keys():
        if isClass(globals()[eachobj]):
            print eachobj
    return classes

def MixInto(Class, Mixin):
    if Mixin not in Class.__bases__:
        Class.__bases__ += (Mixin,)

Okay, so the mixin function becomes part of whatever class I choose and
hence its instances, but the problem is that the way I currently have
it setup mixin() returns a new object, instead of replacing whatever
class instance that calls it into that new object. I hope I'm making
sense here.

Basically what I need is for the method to be able to find out the name
of the instance, then I can just go to the globals dictionary to do the

Advance thanks to all who can help...


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