Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> Personally, I would never use eval on any string I didn't write myself. If
> I was thinking about evaluating a user-string, I would always write a
> function to parse the string and accept only the specific sort of data I
> expected. In your case, a quick-and-dirty untested function might be:

for a more robust approach, you can use Python's tokenizer module, 
together with the iterator-based approach described here:

here's a (tested!) variant that handles lists and dictionaries as well:

     import cStringIO, tokenize

     def sequence(next, token, end):
        out = []
        token = next()
        while token[1] != end:
            out.append(atom(next, token))
            token = next()
            if token[1] == "," or token[1] == ":":
                token = next()
        return out

     def atom(next, token):
        if token[1] == "(":
            return tuple(sequence(next, token, ")"))
        elif token[1] == "[":
            return sequence(next, token, "]")
        elif token[1] == "{":
            seq = sequence(next, token, "}")
            res = {}
            for i in range(0, len(seq), 2):
                res[seq[i]] = seq[i+1]
            return res
        elif token[0] in (tokenize.STRING, tokenize.NUMBER):
            return eval(token[1]) # safe use of eval!
        raise SyntaxError("malformed expression (%s)" % token[1])

     def simple_eval(source):
        src = cStringIO.StringIO(source).readline
        src = tokenize.generate_tokens(src)
        src = (token for token in src if token[0] is not tokenize.NL)
        res = atom(,
        if[0] is not tokenize.ENDMARKER:
            raise SyntaxError("bogus data after expression")
        return res

(now waiting for paul to post the obligatory pyparsing example).



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