Indeed you are correct...that is indeed TWO underscores and everything works 
fine now.  Thanks for pointing out the obvious...I thought it was a simple 
problem.  --DJ

"faulkner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> that should be [TWO underscores].
> and you might want to import sys and check sys.path [the list of
> directories searched by the import mechanism].
> David Jackson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm a real beginner with python but have what I think is a simple 
>> question.
>> I am writing some simple modules and would like to place them into a
>> subdirectory.  But then I cannot seem to import them.  I have tried the
>> following.
>> I wrote a module called with some definitions in it (one called
>> fibo).  In the same directory, I wrote another file ( and began 
>> with
>> import fibo.  This worked fine and I was able to use the function fibo as
>> fibo.fibo.  Then, I made a directory called test and placed the file 
>> in this directory.  I also placed a blank file called into this
>> directory.  I went back to the original directory and tried to import
>> test.fibo but this fails.  I get the following error message:
>> Traceback (innermost last)
>>   File "", line 1, in ?
>>     import test.fibo
>>   File "", line 1, in ?
>>     import test.fibo
>> ImportError: No module named fibo
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.  If it makes any difference, I'm
>> working on a Mac, OSX 10.3.9
>> Thanks,
>> David


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