On 8/07/2006 3:43 AM, Luis P. Mendes wrote:
> Hi,
> I know that pyExelerator is the supported project now, but I can't use
> it because I'd need it to generate files from a web platform. Since I
> can not save a file to a file-like object, I have to use pyXLWriter.
> The problems are:
> 1- how to turn off/on the grid lines of each sheet?

It is an open source project. When you went to the source directory and 

grep def.*grid *.py

what went wrong?

> 2- I tried to build a simple 'if' formula but couldn't.

What did you try, and what was the result when you opened the file with 
OO.o Calc / Gnumeric / you-know-what? Have you had success with *any* 
formulas that have functions with more than one argument?

> Is it my
> problem or pyXLWriter's problem?

Given the limited information, certainty is impossible, but I'd say it's 
your problem.

> If the former, is it possible to post
> an example?

It is possible to post an example irrespective of whether it is your 
problem or not.

It is also possible to go to the examples directory and type:

grep -i "=if" *.py


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