On 2006-07-18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> it seems that range() can be really slow:
> the following program will run, and the last line shows how long it ran
> for:
> import time
> startTime = time.time()
> a = 1.0
> for i in range(0, 30000):
>     if i in range (0, 10000):
>         a += 1
>     if not i % 1000: print i
> print a, "   ", round(time.time() - startTime, 1), "seconds"

> or is there an alternative use of range() or something similar that can
> be as fast?

Creating and then searching a 10,000 element list to see if a
number is between two other numbers is insane.

Using xrange as somebody else suggested is also insane.

If you want to know if a number is between two other numders,
for pete's sake use the comparison operator like god intended.

    if 0 <= i <= 10000:

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