I'm got a script which has a function with a while 1: loop that seems to execute the line it's doing twice instead of just once on each pass when called in a thread...

#Script Start
import threading,time,cherrypy

def func():
    while 1:
        print time.ctime()

threading._start_new_thread( func,() )

class somename():
    def index(self):
        test="this is a test"
        return test

cherrypy.config.update( file = cherrypy.conf )

#end of script

(The contents of the cherrypy.conf is below: )

server.threadpool = 10

The output on the console is at follows

Wed Jul 19 23:25:34 2006
Wed Jul 19 23:25:34 2006
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO Server parameters:
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO   server.environment: development
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO   server.logToScreen: True
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO   server.logFile:
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO   server.protocolVersion: HTTP/1.0
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO   server.socketHost:
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO   server.socketPort: 8080
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO   server.socketFile:
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO   server.reverseDNS: False
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO   server.socketQueueSize: 5
2006/07/19 23:25:34 CONFIG INFO   server.threadPool: 0
2006/07/19 23:25:34 HTTP INFO Serving HTTP on http://localhost:8080/
Wed Jul 19 23:26:04 2006
Wed Jul 19 23:26:04 2006
Wed Jul 19 23:26:34 2006
Wed Jul 19 23:26:34 2006

If I just replace the threading._start_new_thread line with


then the time is output only once every thrity seconds, so it seems that threading._start_new_thread is calling func() twice initially?

Why is func() executing twice when called from the thread?


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