On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 12:50 AM, Andreas Roehler
<andreas.roeh...@online.de> wrote:
> Sorry. Simply tried to catch the execution of your form with edebug.
> The ways I tried, it wasn't called.

Ok -- Here goes

1. Take some trivial python file (say foo.py) in python-mode
A single line

x = 1

will do

[I assume it opens with python-mode as major mode]

2. Set edebug to break function py-execute-file (in my case its line no 1358)

3. From foo.py do C-c ! (py-shell) to start python

4. Go back to foo.py buffer

5. Load using C-c C-c (py-execute-buffer)

Why are 3 and 4 necessary? Dunno -- but they are at least in my case

edebug should be at the breakpoint.

Please tell me if this does not work.

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