Andreas Röhler <> writes:

> [...] we should let the user decide, what features to use: ipython or
> not, pdbtrack or pydb, which completion, refactoring, which checks and
> tests etc.

As a general principle, users should have full control.  However, if a
user did not explicitly activate or inhibit features, python-mode should
ideally check what's available and auto-configure itself while starting,
in the most advantageous way possible for the user.

Users should not have to explicitly turn on configuration switches to
raise below some minimal configuration.  The default python-mode
behaviour should be on the side of the user rather than minimalism.  If
some use happens to not like an available feature which python-mode
decide to be a desirable one, (s)he should turn it off explicitly.

Just an example, by default, python-mode should have an *opinion* about
the best way to auto-complete, and activate the *best* way possible,
given what's has been installed besides python-mode.  Of course, *best*
is extremely debatable.  Another example : I would consider that
hideshow or highlight-indentation are desirable.  Opinions may differ,
and we cannot at the same time please me, you and everybody.  Yet,
python-mode should at least have an opinion.

Not activating things, as a way to stay neutral and avoiding the
expression of any opinion, does not serve the average python-mode user,
who would prefer something as interesting as possible, by default,
without having anything to do on the configuration side.

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