On Jun 25, 2014, at 04:04 PM, Andreas Röhler wrote:

>lately TAB in Python shell was bound to `py-shell-complete-or-indent'.
>What about doing likewise in script buffers - where TAB is currently
>Unfortunatly the default completion-key M-TAB is used by most X-windows
>systems, so users must re-configure first.
>Binding it to TAB would solve that.
>BTW in this case completion should only be called at end of line and with
>word before. Otherwise TAB would `py-indent-line' - as a second TAB would do

Hmm, maybe.  I'd have to try it for a while to make sure it doesn't interfere
with normal code editing.  FWIW, I'm a big fan of dabbrev-complete.


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