On 2011-02-25 15:22, Stefano Rivera wrote:
| Hi Simon (2011.02.24_01:31:39_+0200)
| > python-html2text is version 3.01 of the same HTML to Markdown converter,
| > packaged as a library (it can also be run as a script, but doesn't have a 
| > or wrapper in /usr/bin).
| I can provide a link in /usr/bin (although I'll have to use
| alternatives, to provide it in both the Python2 and 3 packages).
| As html2markdown has no reverse dependencies, we don't have to keep that
| name for the binary, but we can't use html2text, as it's provided by the
| "annoyingly completely different converter" :)
| Any suggestions? python-html2text? html2markdown? I'd probably go with
| python-html2text if we weren't replacing html2markdown.

The author announces the progam to be a converter to markdowsn, so it
would be nice to have symlink to:


This way users can use find(1) along PATH for the magic word. Same for
Debian package search.

I'll file my package remove request ASAP.


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