Hi Ximin,

> $ for file in /etc/jupyter/nbconfig/*.json; do if [ -f "$file" ] && [ -r 
> "$file" ]; then echo "-- $file"; cat "$file"; echo; fi; done

-- /etc/jupyter/nbconfig/common.json

-- /etc/jupyter/nbconfig/edit.json

-- /etc/jupyter/nbconfig/notebook.json

-- /etc/jupyter/nbconfig/terminal.json

-- /etc/jupyter/nbconfig/tree.json

> If any of these files are empty, please could you run, as root:

All are empty

> $ for i in /etc/jupyter/nbconfig/*.json; do if [ -f "$i" -a '!' -s "$i" ]; 
> then rm -f "$i"; fi; done

done, no file left.

> $ dpkg-reconfigure jupyter-nbextension-jupyter-js-widgets

That didn't work (/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: 
jupyter-nbextension-jupyter-js-widgets is broken or not fully installed)

        dpkg --configure -a

$ dpkg --configure -a
Setting up jupyter-nbextension-jupyter-js-widgets (6.0.0-2) ...
/usr/lib/python3.5/runpy.py:125: RuntimeWarning: 'notebook.nbextensions' found 
in sys.modules after import of package 'notebook', but prior to execution of 
'notebook.nbextensions'; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
Enabling notebook extension jupyter-js-widgets/extension...
      - Validating: OK
Setting up python-ipywidgets (6.0.0-2) ...
Setting up sagemath-jupyter (8.0-7) ...
Setting up python3-ipywidgets (6.0.0-2) ...

> and then tell me if it fixes your problem?

Yes, configure succeeded.

No idea how these files were created, though!

All the best and thanks a lot


PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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