Hi All

Happy October! This month our meeting is on the 18th, as usual it's at
Madlab Plant NOMA starting at 7pm. This month we have a guess speaker Qasim
giving a talk entitled Taking Down Production with Simple Database

Here's what Qasim said about it
Migrating databases for your web application can’t be that hard right?
Change some fields, auto-generate the migration files, and deploy. Bam!
You’re done- wait, why is production down!?

This talk from PyCon UK 2018 will look at the various ways I- I mean,
Ostensibly Notmeh, took down a production web service (again, and again,
and again) with an innocent-looking database migration that really looked
like it should have Just Worked. We’ll end with a set of best practises on
how to do them fearlessly.

As usual you can RSVP on Meetup here
<https://www.meetup.com/Python-North-West-Meetup/events/255377026/> if
that's the kind of thing you like to do.

In other news - if you live in or near Manchester or Chester and know
anything about Django why not consider being a mentor at the upcoming
Django Girls event? More details on their websites

Manchester <https://djangogirls.org/manchester/> - 16th Feb 2019
Chester <https://djangogirls.org/chester/> - 27th Apr 2019 (more details
coming to the website soon)

See you soon

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