
On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 09:15:16AM +0200, Mirco Furlan (Visionee) wrote:
> I'm trying to use an instance of Adobe Acrobat Reader. I can successfull
> create an instance with win32com.client.Dispatch, but when I try to load a
> document, python crashes! I had version 7 of Reader and I tried to install
> an older version (6.1), but same result. I would use it to print pdf
> documents with its methods (in particular PrintPages(..) ). Is there some
> known problem? Any suggestion or alternative solution will appreciate.

Can you provide a code sample for review?



"In another study we discover that application development on Windows
 takes less time (and therefore less money) because it's just a more
 productive environment. One wonders what Microsoft itself is using,
 given the production delays to its Longhorn system update."
        -- comment on Microsofts "Get The Facts" propaganda
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