Jacek Pliszka wrote:
> Hi!
> I have something like this:
> wrd=Dispatch("Word.Application")
> doc=wrd.Documents.Open('test.doc')
> for j in doc.Tables:
>     s=unicode(j)
>     ... here I do a few searches on the date inside the table ....
> How can I do it without the method I mentioned ? I use it here to be
> able to do s=unicode(j).

You're relying on a bunch of automatic conversions here, some of which
do conversions that you don't want.

"j" is not a string here -- it is a Table object.  The default property
of the Table object is a Range object.  The default property of the
Range object is the Text object, which IS a Unicode string.  So, instead
of relying on the default conversions, if you say this explicitly:

    for j = doc.Tables
        xxx = j.Range.Text

you'll find that xxx *IS* a Unicode string.

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