On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Tony Cappellini <cappy2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is a checkbox in Control Panel to do this microsoft has provided
> it for the user.
> I want to enable/disable that checkbox via Python, and want to know
> how it can be done.

You'll probably need to figure out what checking that checkbox does
under the covers.  Does it change a value in the registry?  Does it
write an option to a file someplace?  Does it start or stop a service?
 Once you know what the checkbox is doing, you can probably do the
same thing via your python code.  I certainly don't know which of
those it is, or if it's something else entirely.  It sounds like no
one else here does either, so you'll need to figure it out for

The other option is to automate opening the control panel and clicking
the checkbox, as if you were clicking on things yourself.  This tends
to be a pretty complex and fragile process in my experience, though.
You're almost always better off just performing the underlying action

If you decide to go the former route, there are some tools that might
help you figure out what's going on under the covers.  Process monitor
( http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx )
allows you to watch processes, and all of the registry and file
activity they perform.  That's probably your best bet for seeing
what's going on.

If you decide to go the latter route and automate clicking buttons and
such, check out the pywinauto project.

The third option is to find a piece of code in some other language
that does what you want, and show us where to find it.  We can
probably help translate that into python with you.

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