Hi Tim,

(I wasn't sure how to target your response in the digest. Hope this worked out OK.)

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 13:22:04 -0700
From: Tim Roberts<t...@probo.com>
To: Python-Win32 List<python-win32@python.org>
Subject: Re: [python-win32] Can't access methods of COM object.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"

Robert Norman wrote:
I have been successful in the past using COM from Python to control
ActiveX elements such as LabView programs and a few third-party device
servers.  I recently tried to integrate a new component  which came with
a LabView example and some Visual Basic sample code. The LabView example
works for me and I can examine the methods and  properties of the server
but I can't seem to do anything with the server from Python.

I can successfully get an instance with:

  >>>ps = Dispatch("PPServer.PPServerClass")
The VB example shows:

      Set pps = New PServer
That's not the same thing.  Is that actually "New PPServerClass"?

When I examine the return object, it is a PPServer not the PPServerClass but can't find any way to go the next step. In previous experience with LabView servers, the Dispatch statement gives me usable COM objects.


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