

I have a strange excel behaviour if 2 workbooks are open. I’m trying to
create an excel workbook with a bar chart from some data which comes from my
wxPython program. If I paste the data into my program from any source except
another excel file, everything works as expected. But if I copy the values
from a source excel workbook into my program and then try to create a new
excel workbook with a chart, the new workbook takes the data of the chart
from the source workbook and not from the sheet I specified. This happens
only if the data of the source workbook are still selected from the copy
before, if I click into another cell, my new created workbook will use the
data of its sheet which I specified.


Does anybody know what this could be? In my code I clearly specify to use
the data of my new created worksheet. The name of the source workbook sheet
is completely different. Looks like excel ignore it and use the currently
selected data of any workbook. Is there a way to specify the Workbook and
Worksheet, which I want to use? 


Any help would be appreciated!



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