I got hold of pyTTS-3.0.win32-py2.5.exe, but it seems to be like last available 
version off the sourceforge website - might be able to double check that one 
when at home, since this machine is a bit slow/unstable when it comes to 
certain types of web browsing, but anyway - was just wondering if it would then 
be feasible to do something like install python 2.5, install this 
plugin/module, and then somehow try to either extract it from there, or wrap it 
up somehow..?

On the other hand, if trying to use something like pythoncom.create() to make 
use of a com component that doesn't seem available using it's namespace string, 
is it then possible to instantiate something like that using an actual file 

Asking since do have another DLL here that gives a bit more control over 
text-to-speech options/usage.


Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

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