abhijeet mahagaonkar wrote:
> I'm writing an attendance tracking application where i pull data daily
> from a webpage.
> I have to collate it daily and generate a report at the end of the month.
> I have a predefined XL template for the report.
> I wanted to know if i can add (append) the data everyday to this file
> and mail it at the end of the month.

I'm not sure this is the way I would solve this problem.  If I were
doing it, I'd tuck the data into a simple database, or a comma-separate
text file, both of which are more easily manipulated in Python.  Then,
at the end of the month, I could have a Python script generate the
report as an HTML file or a PDF.  In my opinion, it's much easier to
generate reports in HTML using Python than it is to manipulate an Excel

> This would give me a data for one day.
> My question is there a way i can put data for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th.....
> etc.. till 31st on already saved xls file?
> In other words in Fill.Cells(i,1) can i make it Fill.Cells(i,2)
> tommorrow :):)

And what's the problem?  This seems perfectly workable to me.  The row
number would be the day of the month, right?  So, you just fetch the
current day of the month from the datetime module.  You'd need a way to
remember when you start a new month, so you don't overwrite old data,
but perhaps you should base the name of the XLS file on the current month.

Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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