wangsuyi640 wrote:
> Hi
> I tried the code as follows on my PC.
> ...
> my platform is Windows XP SP3,  and the version of python is 2.6.6,
> the version of pywin32 is pywin32-216.win32-py2.6.exe.
> I have tried plenty of exmples on the Internet, by got almost the same
> error:
> "pywintypes.error: (87, 'ReadDirectoryChangesW',
> '\xb2\xce\xca\xfd\xb2\xbb\xd5\xfd\xc8\xb7\xa1\xa3')" which indicates
> that parameter incorrect , I really be troubled!~
> Is there anyone voluntary to give some help? Thanks a lot lot!

I cut and pasted your code exactly as you wrote it, and it worked fine
on my XP SP3 system.  You WILL get "invalid parameter" if the file name
you passed was a file instead of a directory.  Is it possible that
c:\test is a file on your disk, instead of a directory?

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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