On 29/03/2023 5:38 am, Philip Carr wrote:

Im looking for help on pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages(). I’m using it to connect to a Windows application that has a com object to stream stock prices.

It works fine most of the time but when the rate of new events/messages gets too high ( unscientifically about 50 a second i think it can handle) it grinds to a halt and basically stops processing new events/messages and doesn't catch up even if the rate of new events/messages slows down. .

I can't explain why it doesn't recover, but you would certainly expect this to be quite slow given Python is executing an infinite loop.

Replacing the loop with just pythoncom.PumpMessages() also works, but I have no idea if this is more or less robust?

That should be more robust and performant in your scenario. The only time you should use PumpWaitingMessages is when that infinite loop isn't what you want.



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