is a demo of using a service using python.exe and supports specifying the command-line, so that might be an option?


On 2023-06-01 5:28 a.m., Gualtiero Scotti wrote:
Hi, I need to start my python application through windows service. For this purpose I use pywin32.
I'm not able to make a Python instance to evaluate the -X uf8 flag.

This flag must be passed during python invocation only and not when it is already started. After some investigations I've found the service launch *pythonservice.exe* wrapper but I don't know how to pass the flag to the Python interpreter.

Is there another option to set this flag? It is possible to set an env variable *PYTHONUTF8=1 * but pythonservice.exe doesn't seem to evaluate it...
*My environment*
*- Windows 11 Home 22H2*
*- Python 3.11.1* (tags/v3.11.1:a7a450f, Dec  6 2022, 19:43:28) [MSC v.1934 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
- *Pywin32 305*
- *Pywin32-ctypes 0.2.0*

*Python documentation*

    4.7. UTF-8 mode¶

New in version 3.7.

Windows still uses legacy encodings for the system encoding (the ANSI Code Page). Python uses it for the default encoding of text files (e.g. |locale.getencoding()| <>).

This may cause issues because UTF-8 is widely used on the internet and most Unix systems, including WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

You can use the Python UTF-8 Mode <> to change the default text encoding to UTF-8. You can enable the Python UTF-8 Mode <> via the |-X utf8| command line option, or the |PYTHONUTF8=1| environment variable. See |PYTHONUTF8| <> for enabling UTF-8 mode, and Excursus: Setting environment variables <> for how to modify environment variables.

When the Python UTF-8 Mode <> is enabled, you can still use the system encoding (the ANSI Code Page) via the “mbcs” codec.

Note that adding |PYTHONUTF8=1| to the default environment variables will affect all Python 3.7+ applications on your system. If you have any Python 3.7+ applications which rely on the legacy system encoding, it is recommended to set the environment variable temporarily or use the |-X utf8| command line option.


Even when UTF-8 mode is disabled, Python uses UTF-8 by default on Windows for:


    Console I/O including standard I/O (see *PEP 528*
    <> for details).


    The filesystem encoding
    *PEP 529* <> for details).

from ->

Please help me!
Thanks in advance

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