On 17 Jul, 2005, at 9:58, Lior Kesos wrote:

Another option for mocking would be a class that would inherit from cgi and then overload the functions you want to manipulate.
meaning :
class mycgi(cgi):
  def get_params(self):

You can't subclass a module.

>>> import cgi
>>> class MockCGI(cgi):
...     pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: function takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

To replace a module, you need to replace the module in sys.modules, but if you need to change only few functions, simply replace them:

>>> import cgi
>>> def mock_get_params(): return 'mocked pararms'
>>> cgi.get_params = mock_get_params
>>> cgi.get_params()
'mocked pararms'

Best Regards,

Nir Soffer
