Hello all,

can anyone explain why this does not work ?

def melVarTest():

    var1 = "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2011/bin/plug-ins/"
    result = mel.eval("string $var1Mel = `python var1`;")
    print result


# MelError: Error during execution of MEL script: line 1: name 'var1'
is not defined

The reason for doing this is because I want to use the mel filetest
command and this seemed to me to be the best option.

I have also tried:

mel.eval("filetest -d "+var1)

But that instantly crashes maya. (fatal error)

And when writing it the pymel way it gives me a syntax error that I
can not figure out

mel.filetest(var1, d=True)

# MelError: Error during execution of MEL script: line 1: Invalid call
to "filetest".  Check number and types of arguments expected by the
# Calling Procedure: filetest, in Command
#   filetest("var1, d=True") #

Would anyone be so kind to help me out :)



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