Not directly related to this thread, but it is related to

Has anyone noticed that parentConstraint offset rotations are not calculated
correctly for nodes with parents that have negative scale? When the same
thing is attempted, but using an orient constraint instead, the correct
offset values are generated.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 7:33 AM, Paul Molodowitch <>wrote:

> Oops... correction below:
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 7:28 AM, Paul Molodowitch <>wrote:
>> Hi Subbu -
>> Unfortunately, the PyNode classes (such as pm.nt.ParentConstraint) do not
>> contain all of the functionality of the corresponding commands (ie,
>> pm.parentConstraint or cmds.parentConstraint).  In particular, the initial
>> creation of the underlying MAYA node must often be done with the command
>> form.  In fact, the only way it is currently possible to trigger the
>> creation of the underlying maya node AND the pynode with the pynode
>> constructor is when the PyNode constructor is fed no non-keyword args  (such
>> as when you do nt.ParentConstraint(mo=1, w=1) ).  If you need to create
>> the underlying node in manner in which you feed in other node args, you'll
>> have to fall back on the command:
>> import pymel.core as pm
>> cube1 = pm.polyCube()[0]
>> cube2 = pm.polyCube()[0]
>> pCon = pm.parentConstraint(cube1, cube2, mo=1, w=1)
>> In general, my habit is often to use the commands to create, and the
>> PyNode class constructors to create PyNodes for already-existing maya nodes.
>>  I agree, though, that it would be nice to expand support for node creation
>> in
> PyNode class constructors to be able to handle these situations as well.
>> - Paul
>> PS - Did you know it's also possible to do the selection of multiple
>> objects in a single step? ie,
>> select ('pCube1', 'pCube2')
>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 2:12 AM, Subbu <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When am trying in Python, Its working as below:
>>> import maya.cmds as cmds
>>> pCon =cmds.parentConstraint('pCube1', 'pCube2', mo=1, w=1)
>>> but in PyMel, Both the following are not working
>>> import pymel.core.nodetypes as nt
>>> pCon =nt.ParentConstraint('pCube1', 'pCube2', mo=1, w=1)
>>> or
>>> pCon =nt.ParentConstraint( PyNode('pCube1'), PyNode('pCube2'), mo=1,
>>> w=1)
>>> "Error: Unable to determine pymel type for 'pCube1' " is coming
>>> In single line it is not possible in PyMel, But its working in 3 lines
>>> like this:
>>> import pymel.core.nodetypes as nt
>>> select ('pCube1', r=1)
>>> select ('pCube2', add=1)
>>> pCon =nt.ParentConstraint(mo=1, w=1)
>>> Any one has any idea, so that I can save 2 lines code in this case,
>>> Constraints are repetitive in my code
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Subbu
>>> --
>  --


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