Hi all,

I just wanted to make an announcement that my first online video tutorial
was released today through cmiVFX.com

Its an Introduction to Python for Maya course, aimed at artists that are new
to python. If any of you are just starting out learning the language, check
it out! Or maybe you work with Maya artists that might want to pick up some
new skills. Then pass this on to them!


I plan to release some more videos, that go into further details and
complexity, but this should get a lot of newcomers started. Also, if any of
you more accomplished python coders out there want to suggest some topics or
examples that would make for good intermediate or advanced video additions,
please do contribute your thoughts! I want to make sure to cover everyones
interests and help this community grow in the language.
If anyone happens to check it out, feel free to leave me some feedback
either here, or on my blog.


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