Unfortunately I dont have any experience with Backburner submissions, since I 
have never used it in a pipeline other than submitting to it from a gui.

Here is an example of a preRender script:

In file /network/path/to/myPreRender.mel:

global proc doStuff()
        // all your preRender Stuff here

Then in your render command:
cmdjob -preRender "source /network/path/to/myPreRender.mel; doStuff();"

But from your latest information, it seems you have other problems as well, 
such as defining your frame ranges.
Since I again don't know much about backburner I will take a blind stab...

> Calling '"C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2012/bin/Render"  -s
> \Undefined -e \Undefined -of png -fnc name.#.ext -pad 3 -im ATR24 -r
> mr -cam audienceCam -alpha 0 -log z:/renderLogs/ATR24_log.txt -rd Z:

It seems like maybe your string formatting is not correct so it cant slot in 
your frame ranges. I assume %tp2 and %tp3
are to be replaced from within backburner, correct? Have you tried NOT escaping 
those parts in the string?

' cmdjob -jobName ' + jobName + params  + taskListFile + ' -taskName 1 ' \
+ mayaPath + ' -s %tp2  -e %tp3 ' + ' -of png -fnc name.#.ext -pad 3 -im ' \
+ imageName + ' -r mr -cam ' + renderCam + ' -alpha 0 ' + ' -log 
z:/renderLogs/ATR24_log.txt -rd ' \
+ destPath + scene2Render

>From the looks of the error output, its retaining those backslashes. And I 
>guess if you are seeing Undefined, that is
backburner not properly slotting in your ranges from whatever problem you are 
having with your tasklist definition.
That part I unfortunately cant offer any insight.

On Nov 22, 2011, at 10:22 AM, PixelMuncher wrote:

> Thanks for the reply.  I'm not a hardcore coder, could you give me an
> example of calling the proc from the prerender flag?
> Also, it was my assumption that 'numTasks' would tell Backburner to
> divide the whole job into X tasks, but that does not appear to be the
> case - it appears that my 'os'  command is causing BB to send the
> entire frame range with each task.
> Do you know the correct way to call it?
> I think I'm  close, but I don't know how to pass the start/end frames
> from the BB tasklist to the render job command.
> This is what I have:
> 1) I created a tasklist in table form:
> ATRTaskList.tsk:
> frames1051-1070    1051    1070
> frames1071-1091    1071    1091
> frames1092-1112    1092    1112
> 2) Create vars for render params
> jobName = 'ATR24'
> # params = r' -manager -logPath "z:/renderLogs" -
> priority 50 -tp_start 1 -tp_jump 3  -numTasks '
> params = r' -manager -logPath "z:/renderLogs" -priority
> 50 -taskList '
> taskListFile = '"D:/PFarm/_Software_stuff/Maya/Batch/
> ATR24BBTasklist.tsk"'
> mayaPath = '"C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2012/bin/Render"
> imageName = 'ATR24'
> renderCam = 'audienceCam'
> destPath = r' Z:\Compositing\Sequences\ATR\ATR24_2'
> scene2Render = r' Z:\3D\scenes\is50anim24.mb'
> 3) Render command:
> os.system (' cmdjob -jobName ' + jobName + params  + taskListFile + ' -
> taskName 1 ' + mayaPath + ' -s \%tp2  -e \%tp3 ' + ' -of png -fnc
> name.#.ext -pad 3 -im ' + imageName + ' -r mr -cam ' + renderCam + ' -
> alpha 0 ' + ' -log z:/renderLogs/ATR24_log.txt -rd ' + destPath +
> scene2Render )
> The 3 tasks show up in the BB Monitor, and I don't get any errors, but
> I don't get any frames either.  Here's what the job log shows:
> Calling '"C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2012/bin/Render"  -s
> \Undefined -e \Undefined -of png -fnc name.#.ext -pad 3 -im ATR24 -r
> mr -cam audienceCam -alpha 0 -log z:/renderLogs/ATR24_log.txt -rd Z:
> \Compositing\Sequences\ATR\ATR24_2 Z:\3D\scenes\is50anim24.mb' from 'C:
> \Users\Me\AppData\Local\backburner\ServerJob'Job exit successful
> I'm in a crunch, working by myself, so any help will be deeply
> appreciated.
> Thanks.
> On Nov 22, 10:19 am, Justin Israel <justinisr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I havent had a chance to test anything yet but have you tried moving your 
>> preRender commands into a script and just calling the proc from the 
>> preRender flag? That way you can have any length prerender and it will get 
>> called from the script. If the prerender code is not in a shared 
>> maya_script_path location then u can just source the full path from the 
>> preRender flag
>> Unless your preRender is over 8k characters long then you wouldn't be 
>> hitting an arg limit for the windows command line. And you are using a 
>> string arg (though using inefficient string concatenation) for your 
>> os.system() call so thats probably not an issue.
>> If putting the preRender commands into a script fixes it then you know its 
>> backburner/maya. We do the same thing at my studio for queue submissions 
>> using preRender scripts in network locations and sourcing them.
>> On Nov 21, 2011, at 10:36 PM, PixelMuncher <pixeldr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> After hours of research, I have backburner being called from a python
>>> script and rendering a test scene on 2 networked computers.
>>> However, when I try to run a production file that has a long prerender
>>> command, backburner errors and exits. After some experimentation, it
>>> appears that there is a character limit to the command! When it
>>> reaches the limit, it generates an error like this and exits :
>>> ...setAttr ao_lyr.renderable 1; setAttr defaultRenderLayer.render[/4|
>>> ðâC'
>>> from 'C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\backburner\ServerJob'Job exit
>>> successful
>>> The command should be ...setAttr defaultRenderLayer.renderable, 1; and
>>> then continue with more setAttrs
>>> I don't know if the limit is imposed by maya, the command prompt, or
>>> Python. The python command (items not in quotes are vars that have
>>> been set in the script) is:
>>> os.system (' cmdjob -jobName ' + jobName + params1 + numTasks + ' ' +
>>> mayaPath + ' -s ' + startF + ' -e ' + endF + ' -of png -fnc name.#.ext
>>> -pad 3 -im ' + imageName + ' -r mr -cam ' + renderCam + ' -alpha 0 -
>>> preRender ' + preRndrCmd + ' -log y:/renderLogs/ATR23_log.txt -rd ' +
>>> destPath + scene2Render )
>>> To check if it might be some weird escape sequence being derived from
>>> a layer name, I have shortened the lists of layers that I am feeding
>>> to the prerender command, and that is not the problem. It seems to
>>> choke when it reaches a given number of characters.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
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