The actual issue I see with that callback is that you are not defining the
args signature correctly and its actually failing. When you use that
specific callback, it wants to also pass a second parameter for the
optionally provided userdata when the callback was registered.

This example works for me.

import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.cmds as mc

def function(retCode, userData=None):
   om.MScriptUtil.setBool(retCode, False)
   return retCode

cbk_id = om.MSceneMessage.addCheckCallback(
    function )

# remove the callback

You don't need to import the OpenMaya module a second time in your
callback. Its already imported and the MScriptUtil is in a closure.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 8:46 AM, <> wrote:

> import maya.OpenMaya as om
> import maya.cmds as mc
> def function(retCode):
>    import maya.OpenMaya as om
>    #retCode = None
>    om.MScriptUtil.setBool(retCode, True)
>    return retCode
> #om.MMessage.MCheckFileFunction()
> om.MSceneMessage.addCheckCallback(om.MSceneMessage.kBeforeSaveCheck,function)
> yup I ve used the other Callbaxck methods but this return True / False
> is dribing me crazy. This will just cause it to stop you from saving.
> Really need to be able to be able to enable or disable the action. Am
> I setting the retCode wrong ?
> --
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