On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 4:09:14 PM UTC+5:30, Daz wrote:
> Heya
> One of my ancient enemies since I'm learning python are text fields... I just 
> cant figure out how to get them to work arrr. I want to be able to type in a 
> name and then use it with my functions, when ever I want to select objects, 
> create an object with that text and so on... I got that far but I'm still 
> hitting a wall with it atm wrrr... if any1 could give me a hint as to where I 
> go wrong it would be great !
> if cmds.window('a',exists=True):
>       cmds.deleteUI('a')
> cmds.window('a', title='test', w=300, h=100,mnb=False, mxb=False)
> cmds.showWindow('a')
> mainLayout = cmds.flowLayout()
> cmds.text('test    ')
> cmds.textField(enterCommand=('cmds.select(raw_input(""))'),  w=100,h=17

Most Welcome
All well that's end well.


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