I also didn't find any error.
But I like to point out couple other things in your code.

1.  root_LOC=cmds.spaceLocator (n = 'root_LOC', r = 2)
    cmds.move (0, 18.485, -2.815, 'root_LOC', relative=True)
>   here, you making a loctor in maya and assigning it to the variable name 
> root_LOC, but in the next line(cmds.move), you using the string name of the 
> locator, which is not so appropriate way of doing the stuff. Use the variable 
> name itself.And if the any node of name 'root_LOC' already exists in scene, 
> the line 1 will create a locator with different name and your line 2 will 
> move the old node having name 'root_LOC'.


root_LOC=cmds.spaceLocator (n = 'root_LOC', r = 2)
#                          here is the change
cmds.move (0, 18.485, -2.815, root_LOC, relative=True)

2. cmds.move (0, 18.485, -2.815, root_LOC, relative=True)
> use xform command to do the job instead of the move command.


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