I get this error in my script editor when I try to execute the script from 
the menu after moving the lines you mentioned....

// Error: 'PySide.QtGui.QDialog' called with wrong argument types:

# PySide.QtGui.QDialog(bool)

# Supported signatures:

# PySide.QtGui.QDialog(PySide.QtGui.QWidget = None, 
PySide.QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags = 0)

# Traceback (most recent call last):

# File 
line 38, in __init__

# super(smRealCameras, self).__init__(parent)

# TypeError: 'PySide.QtGui.QDialog' called with wrong argument types:

# PySide.QtGui.QDialog(bool)

# Supported signatures:

# PySide.QtGui.QDialog(PySide.QtGui.QWidget = None, 
PySide.QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags = 0) //

the line in my script which refer to QDialog are :

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